SCRS Creates Toolkit to Help Sites Address Workforce and Inflation Challenges

Hanover, MD, May 4, 2022 – The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) today announced the release of a toolkit created by several of its largest site network members to address the clinical research industry’s workforce challenges and inflationary pressures. The Site Toolkit for Challenges in Workforce Retention and Inflation is available to SCRS member sites and offers best practices to maximize revenue, minimize costs, and recruit and retain employees.
A companion deliverable to the toolkit is an open letter to industry Sponsors and CROs, outlining current challenges sites face with staffing and budgeting, and solutions urgently needed to address those issues.
“The goal of these tools is to encourage an honest dialogue about the industry’s shared responsibility to each other during this especially challenging time,” said Allyson Small, Chief Operating Officer of SCRS. “It’s imperative that we address these issues now to ensure we have a viable research infrastructure required to continue to conduct safe and effective clinical trials at scale, whether traditional or hybrid.”
William Smith, CEO of Alliance for Multispecialty Research and SCRS Task Force Committee co-chair added, “Sites are increasingly challenged by both inflation and the even more accelerated costs of healthcare workers. The data and best practices SCRS has collected through this Task Force Committee will be instrumental to help sites and industry work together to reach mutually-beneficial solutions.”
“While SCRS members are working with each other in sharing best practices to address these headwinds, even our most experienced site leaders state they cannot pull through this alone,” commented David Vulcano, Honorary President of SCRS. “They need help from sponsors, CROs, and other stakeholders involved in clinical trials and the progress of new therapies.”
SCRS encourages all sites and industry partners to share the letter with their respective organizations and networks. SCRS will continue to host meaningful discussions between industry sponsors, CROs, solution providers, and sites through webinars, Site Solutions Summit sessions, and Sites NOW meetings. Suggestions for other solutions or resources to address site workforce and inflation challenges can be submitted to the SCRS leadership team at
About The Society for Clinical Research Sites
Founded in 2012, SCRS is a global organization that unifies the voice of the clinical research site community to create greater site sustainability. Representing over 9,500 sites in 47 countries, SCRS membership provides sites with a community dedicated to advocacy, education, mentorship and connectivity. SCRS is an influential voice for sites and an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Our Voice. Our Community. Your Success. Join the community. Visit
Marissa Hill
Communications Manager
Society for Clinical Research Sites