SCRS Announces the Site Study Dashboard Initiative in Collaboration with ACRO and Many Other Industry Stakeholders
Mary D’Rozario
Director of Communications
Society for Clinical Research Sites
SCRS Announces the Site Study Dashboard Initiative in Collaboration with ACRO and Many Other Industry Stakeholders
Ellicott City, MD, June 1, 2016 – The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS), the global trade organization fully dedicated to representing the interests of clinical research sites, continues to ensure the site’s voice is heard and positively influencing decisions of industry stakeholders announces the launch of Site Study Dashboard initiative. The following companies are participating: Allergan, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bio Optronics (Clinical Conductor CTMS), Bristol-Myers Squibb, Center Point Clinical Services, Clinical Ink, Covance, DrugDev, EMD Serono, Fisher Clinical Services, goBalto, Greenphire, HealthCarePoint, INC Research, inVentiv Health, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Merck, Merge, Nimblify, Novartis, Oracle, PAREXEL, PPD, PRA, Quintiles, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Vertex and multiple sites from around the globe. This initiative will be co-chaired by representatives from Allergan, Quintiles and Apostle Clinical Trials.
FDA inspections continue to highlight reoccurring issues with site performance and increased incidents in similar findings over the past 10 years; however, 76% of sites confirm in an SCRS survey they never receive feedback from sponsors or CROs on their study performance, except for recruitment metrics. In the same survey 79% of sites report a desire to receive a ‘Site Study Dashboard’ and 62% indicate receiving such feedback would definitely allow them to improve the quality from their site. Findings from an Allergan survey concluded Investigators who received a Site Study Dashboard from Allergan reported 85% the feedback was valuable, 71% found the metrics were helpful or extremely helpful and 100% indicated they use the data when received to course correct and build a stronger site foundation. Both bodies of knowledge indicate sites need and want concurrent feedback on their study performance and desire to change their behaving based on this feedback. SCRS is proud to initiate this critical project and to have the collaboration of so many organizations committed to SCRS’ mission to ensure sites perform to the highest quality, which will lead to greater site sustainability.
“Sites are expected to operate within a very complex system when conducting clinical trials. The absence of sharing meaningful performance metrics with sites is a wasted opportunity to provide useful benchmarking and feedback to sites to improve their improvement “stated co-chair Tom Apostle, DO, President and Investigator of Apostle Clinical Trials and a member of SCRS’ Leadership Council.
The Site Study Dashboard initiative is responsible for the creation of metrics to be measured as an industry standard and recommendations for its utilization. The Site Study Dashboard is intended to provide sites valuable feedback on study metrics that matter and to encourage the exchange of that information in a collaborative environment.
About SCRS
SCRS is a global trade organization founded in 2012 which represents over 2,800 research sites in 42 countries. SCRS’ mission is to unify the voice of the global clinical research site community for greater site sustainability. SCRS has become an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Sites and the companies that sponsor or support the work conducted at clinical research sites will benefit from membership and partnership. Visit
The press release was originally released with an error in the acronym for the Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO). SCRS regrets the error.