SCRS Announces 2022 SPRIA and Site Tank Recipients

October 13, 2022 – The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) has announced that the University of California – Davis and Javara are the respective recipients of the Site Tank Award and Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Achievement Award (SPRIA).
Site Tank, sponsored by Pfizer, recognizes a research site that has developed an innovative technology concept designed to enhance, empower and improve clinical research operations. For the Site Tank competition, the University of California – Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center presented its pilot training program for clinical research coordinators (CRCs). The program was created to address the persistent shortage of staff to support clinical trials, to increase diversity of the clinical research workforce and to provide a re-training STEM opportunity to under-resourced communities. This unique program combines classroom learning with workplace exposure to clinical research to train the next generation of CRCs.
“Addressing recruitment and retention of clinical research coordinators is imperative for continuing and expanding clinical research,” said Kate Marusina, Ph.D., MBA, Director, Clinical Trials Office, UC Davis Clinical and Translational Science Center. “Our training program creates a previously untapped workforce pipeline. The unique feature of our program is its pre-competitive positioning and a strong emphasis on community engagement. In addition, by providing stipends to the trainees we contribute to the success of those individuals for whom a career in healthcare would have been unimaginable. We are changing lives one person at a time. Replication of this training blueprint across the country would be beneficial to our entire society.”
Sponsored by StudyKIK, SPRIA recognizes a research site that has developed and implemented an innovative patient recruitment program. Javara presented their recruitment plan for the Infectious Disease Vaccine – RSV study, at SouthCoast Health in Savannah, Georgia. Their recruitment efforts prioritized community engagement and engaged Greater Gift, a non-profit organization with the mission to increase awareness of clinical research, especially among underrepresented communities.
Javara Chief Operating Officer Mike Clay commented, “The opportunity to be a part of SCRS and the annual Site Solutions Summit is alone a great honor. We are immensely grateful to the SCRS organization for providing this space to recognize and celebrate innovation across the industry, and we are truly humbled to be the recipient of the 2022 Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Award. Our pioneering efforts focusing on community engagement, human interaction, and personalized technologies to elevate our patient enrollment strategy and improve the patient experience have proven to be impactful. However, it is our hope that through these efforts we may continue to bring clinical trials to potential participants through their most trusted source – their community – increasing access and improving lives through unity and trust.”
“Sites are more committed than ever to developing forward-thinking solutions that are truly site and patient-centric,” said Jimmy Bechtel, SCRS VP of Site Engagement. “SCRS congratulates this year’s winners – UC Davis for Site Tank and Javara for SPRIA – for their innovative efforts to enhance patient recruitment initiatives and business operations for their organizations. We look forward to featuring their strategies with our community as the industry continues to focus on efficient processes to better recruit and engage trial participants.”
Three finalists for each award were chosen by an independent selection committee. After finalists presented their initiatives at the Global Site Solutions Summit, the winner was chosen by a panel of judges and announced at the Eagle Award Gala to more than 1,200 industry attendees. For more information about Site Tank, SPRIA, and the SCRS Global Site Solutions Summit, visit
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Marissa Hill
Communications Manager
Society for Clinical Research Sites