Piotr Sawicki Announced as SCRS European Site Solutions Summit Committee Chair

November 28, 2022 – The Society of Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) is pleased to announce Piotr Sawicki, Head of Clinical Trials Department at Centrum Medyczne CMP, as the new SCRS European Site Solutions Summit committee chair. The European Site Solutions Summit committee provides direction for activities related to the annual European Site Solutions Summit, such as identifying thought leaders and relevant content for the Summit.
“The SCRS European Summit is a unique event fully dedicated to clinical research sites and it is growing every year,” said Sawicki. “We have been building a strong community of European research sites and gained the focus of our industry partners, commencing a site-centricity era for the region. I am proud to be a member of this great community and honored to be selected as the European Summit chair. Following the great example of my predecessor Viviënne van de Walle, I will continue to strengthen the site voice in the European research community. I strongly encourage all stakeholders to join us and shape the future of the European clinical research market together for the good and health of our patients.”
“Piotr has been a tremendous resource and advocate for European clinical research sites as a key contributor to the European Summit committee for several years,” added Allyson Small, SCRS Chief Operating Officer. “SCRS is thrilled to continue expanding the programming and impact of the European Summit with Piotr as the new chair. We look forward to facilitating more solution-focused discussions and strategic connections for this region.”
Sawicki was announced as the new chairperson at the 2022 European Site Solutions Summit in Cascais, Portugal by Viviënne van de Walle, who most recently held the position for four years. Learn more about the European Summit at eusitesolutionssummit.com.
About The Society for Clinical Research Sites
Founded in 2012, SCRS is a global organization that unifies the voice of the clinical research site community to create greater site sustainability. Representing over 9,500 sites in 47 countries, SCRS membership provides sites with a community dedicated to advocacy, education, mentorship and connectivity. SCRS is an influential voice for sites and an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Our Voice. Our Community. Your Success. Join the community. Visit MySCRS.org.