Why Belong?

Joining SCRS means more than simply becoming a member of an organization of companies with similar interests. SCRS is the first organization fully dedicated to representing the interest of the clinical research site community. SCRS gives sites a voice, a seat at the table, and the ability to participate in discussions and decisions that ultimately impact the clinical research sites and the industry at large. Joining the SCRS community helps give the clinical research site a stronger, more credible voice and shared purpose.

Companies that sponsor or support the work conducted at the clinical research sites will benefit from membership as well. Their membership demonstrates a commitment to building a stronger site partnership, recognizing the importance of the site’s voice, and providing their company with intellectual capital to best position their companies for success.

For more information about becoming an SCRS member, contact members@myscrs.org

Our Mission

Unify the voice of the global clinical research site community for greater site sustainability.

SCRS Stands on Four Pillars


On behalf of its site members SCRS publicly comments on issues relevant to the clinical research industry. SCRS maintains a presence in conversations with other groups and organizations to ensure the site’s perspective and voice is clear as important dialogue occurs.


Unparalleled knowledge and education facilitated by SCRS provides the foundation for informed action, where industry leaders can analyze their most efficient programs, fresh voices can introduce proven innovations, and established experts can debate different interventions. SCRS and its members provide each other with a constant flow of new solutions and lessons learned.


Recognizing the importance and commitment needed to ensure site sustainability, SCRS and its members provide meaningful mentoring to facilitate a lasting foundation of quality research sites.


A unique opportunity for sites and industry stakeholders to interact with each other across the industry is an SCRS commitment. The SCRS community is an environment characterized by meaningful and lasting partnerships.