Establish a forum for clinical research sites located in the same community to interact in ways that address local challenges and promote greater site sustainability.
A collaborative enhancement to SCRS with the purpose of sharing operational protocols, educational topics with the ability to network professionally and personally. Finding and discussing ways to promote SCRS membership and how SCRS can meet the needs of their community to help grow ours!
Unite the voice of regional clinical research site communities by promoting and supporting smaller networking groups aimed at sharing local site challenges to create innovative, collaborative, and informative solutions for greater site sustainability. These meetings will also serve as an opportunity for regional members to review SCRS benefits, projects, outcomes, and initiatives to provide direct feedback as a group and contribute applicable insights.
- SCRS lead will determine regional chairs and work closely with them to drive work forward and provide direction. All other interested parties will be members of the workstream and expected to make regular, direct contributions to the work produced.
- SCRS members & nonmembers will be invited to assist in membership growth.
- Meeting locations are TBD by regional planning groups.
- We are planning for regional meetings to occur bi-annually during the first year. The cadence of meetings will be determined by regional participation and interest.