A trade association, also known as an industry trade group, business association, or sector association, is an organization of businesses that operate in a specific industry. An industry trade association may engage in public relations activities such as advertising, education, political donations (through a political action committee), lobbying, publishing, standards-development, industry bench-marking and conducting statistical surveys, producing conferences, offering networking opportunities, classes or educational materials, and numerous other appropriate activities. Trade organizations can be non-profit or not. SCRS is the latter.
Members of a trade association are typically companies, while professional organization members are individuals.
You as an individual could belong to a professional organization, but your company should belong to the trade organization. It is common practice that the company belongs to the trade organization representing its interest as a business and the staff may continue to belong to their respective professional organizations.
Only clinical research sites can be members of SCRS. Sites are organizations that actually conduct clinical research at a facility. They can be site within a practice, freestanding sites, part of a site network, or hospital/academic setting.
As a research site, site network or hospital/academic organization, SCRS is the only trade organization that represents and speaks on behalf of the global clinical research site community. Additionally, there are many tangible benefits that SCRS membership provides each of its members and their employees.
Companies that have a vested interest in the clinical research collaborate with SCRS and demonstrates their commitment to building stronger site partnerships as Global Impact Partners.
Easy online registration can be completed by clicking here or contact membership@myscrs.org
A company’s membership dues should be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses, but each member company should confirm this with its tax advisor.
Although individuals do not become members of SCRS, when a company joins SCRS all of its employees are entitled to receive specified benefits.
If your company does not actually conduct the clinical trials, your company can collaborate with SCRS as a Global Impact Partner.
All memberships are renewable annually on the anniversary date of the company’s registration.
All SCRS member employees receive a discount to join us at any SCRS Site Solutions Summit.
Certainly, you just log in using your name and password and you can change your company or personal information at any time.
The six curved lines indicate the stakeholders of the clinical research industry necessary to conduct a successful clinical study – volunteers, sites, sponsors, CROs, regulators, and suppliers. The dots over each line are to remind us we are not just lines, we are people. The “people” are intertwined emphasizing the importance of remembering that we are all people dependent upon each other to successfully complete the picture.