The SCRS Ambassador Program is designed to cultivate a network of influential research industry professionals who will serve as SCRS ambassadors, bridging the gap between clinical research sites within their respective regions.

The Ambassador Program supports the global site community and other industry stakeholders by providing active and ongoing dialogue and content exchange. Through the Ambassador Program, sites will have access to all SCRS member benefits.

The program will offer virtual and in-person Ambassador Symposiums in selected regions for clinical research sites to receive valuable information on research trends and best practices specific to their geographic area.

What is an SCRS Ambassador Symposium?
Ambassador Symposiums connect key members of a regional site community to unify the voice of the global clinical research site community for greater site sustainability. At these Symposiums, attendees will gain insight on how to position their research site for success and receive valuable information on regional research trends.

Virtual Symposiums will be 3 hours. Registration includes a one-year SCRS membership for regional site attendees. Membership will be available to your site’s entire organization.

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Learn about the areas currently served by the SCRS Ambassador Program


26 October 2024
10:00-13:00 GMT +8 Beijing


15 November 2024
16:00-19:00 GMT +1

Latin America

8 November 2024
10:00-13:00 GMT -3

Watch the 2018 SCRS Ambassador Symposium Video

Would you like to become a Regional Lead?

Available to SCRS site member employees in good standing.

Regional Lead responsibilities include:
• Meeting virtually with SCRS Project Manager once per month
• Promoting awareness of SCRS and associated member benefits at local events
• Organizing and managing regional webinars by identifying relevant country topics and securing speakers

If your site or organization would like become a part of the SCRS Ambassador Program, please contact Michael Pierre (

Would you like to support the 2024 SCRS Ambassador Program?

Let’s build a greater SCRS global community together! Corporate sponsors and supporters of the Ambassador Program have a unique opportunity to participate in site development and sustainability at the regional level.

Your investment in the Ambassador program helps bring valuable resources and community to clinical research professionals around the world.  Your support includes access to all 3 virtual Ambassador Symposia scheduled for 2024 – Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Your sponsorship includes:

  • Advocacy In MembershipInvite sites your organization is working with in each region to attend.
  • Visibility – In addition to being included in a press release announcing SCRS ambassador support, your company will be included on program website, presentation slides, and all outgoing emails and invitations.
  • Access & Thought Leadership – Unlimited attendee registration for your colleagues and site partners to attend each regional virtual symposium

Please click here to learn more or reach out to Marcus Maleck ( for more details.

Who Should Attend?

Clinical research sites and industry professionals located in each respective region, including:

  • Site Owners & Managers
  • Clinical Investigators & Physicians
  • Patient-Facing Teams
  • Site Operations
  • Business Development
  • Regulatory & Government Affairs

Previous Countries Served:



New Zealand


South Korea

United Kingdom