SCRS Welcomes Deep Lens to the Global Impact Partner Program
Jessica Knott
Sr. Communications Manager
Society for Clinical Research Sites
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SCRS Welcomes Deep Lens to the Global Impact Partner Program
Hanover, MD, March 31, 2020 – The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) announced today that Deep Lens has joined the organization as a Global Impact Partner (GIP). SCRS’ GIP Program provides a unique opportunity for sponsors, CROs and solution providers to engage with SCRS and its members in an impactful manner. Becoming a GIP demonstrates Deep Lens’ commitment to clinical research sites, their desire to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of sites and contribute to the development and implementation of solutions in the marketplace.
“We are extremely excited to be a new SCRS Global Impact Partner and to contribute through the GIP program,” said Deep Lens CEO & Co-founder Dave Billiter. “Deep Lens looks forward to learning from SCRS’ talented site members and contributing to optimize and grow clinical research by matching the right patient with the right trial at the right time. SCRS provides the platform to discuss and address current challenges, problem-solve as a larger group, and showcase innovation. Being a part of the GIP program will elevate our awareness, increase our knowledge, and enable Deep Lens to broaden our communication and collaborations.”
“Deep Lens is doing important work to connect patients with suitable clinical trials at the time of diagnosis,” said SCRS President Casey Orvin, “which provides needed support to clinical research sites as they recruit patients into their trials. SCRS looks forward to incorporating Deep Lens’ contribution and insight to support our global member site community. We are thrilled to welcome Deep Lens to the Global Impact Partner (GIP) program.”
About Deep Lens
Deep Lens is a software company focused on a groundbreaking approach to faster recruitment of the best-suited cancer patients to clinical trials. By identifying patients at the time of diagnosis and combining lab, EMR and genomic data, VIPER, Deep Lens’ integrated cloud platform, provides care teams with visibility and workflows to accelerate recruitment and compress study timelines to bring game-changing therapies to market sooner. Growing with sponsors, providers and strategic partners, Deep Lens challenges the status quo so that patients can get the therapies they want and deserve.
About SCRS
Founded in 2012, SCRS is a global organization that unifies the voice of the clinical research site community to create greater site sustainability. Representing over 9,500 sites in 47 countries, SCRS membership provides sites with a community dedicated to advocacy, education, mentorship and connectivity. SCRS is an influential voice for sites and an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Our Voice. Our Community. Your Success. Join the community. Visit