SCRS Announces SPRIA Europe Winner
Jessica Knott
Sr. Communications Manager
Society for Clinical Research Sites
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SCRS Announces SPRIA Europe Winner
Ellicott City, MD, March 20, 2019 – The Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS) announced to attendees at its 2019 European Site Solutions Summit that SCALA Clinical Research is the winner of the European Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Award (SPRIA Europe).
SPRIA recognizes a clinical research site that has developed and implemented an innovative patient recruitment program. Three finalists were chosen by an independent judging panel. After the finalists presented their plans at the European Site Solutions Summit, the winner was chosen by a panel of judges. When assessing the plans, judges looked for innovative patient-directed initiatives that were unique, effective and took the campaign response into account.
Brandusa Bittel and Mihai Olaru, representing SCALA Clinical Research, won the 2019 SPRIA Europe for their innovative approach to recruiting for IBD trials, which made them the number one recruiter in Romania in this therapeutic area.
“Innovation is paramount to the success and longevity of clinical research sites everywhere and is at the heart of SPRIA Europe,” said Marie Emms, VP of site and patient access for Syneos Health and SPRIA judge. “The novel and forward-looking approach taken by SCALA Clinical Research stood out to the judging panel because of the organization’s ability to create a solution to their recruitment challenges which addressed the needs of the trial at hand, but will also help shape the future of SCALA as an organization.”
“I am inspired by the innovation displayed by the sites who submitted recruitment plans for SPRIA Europe consideration,” said SCRS president Casey Orvin. “Congratulations to SCALA Clinical Research! The site’s approach to recruitment in a therapeutic area new to the organization demonstrated unique insight into the challenges inherent to clinical trial recruitment.”
SCALA Clinical Research will be entered as an automatic finalist in October’s Global Site Solutions Summit SPRIA competition in Florida, and will receive a complimentary registration to attend and present their recruitment plan to an audience of 1,000+ sites, sponsors, CROs and solution providers.
About SCRS
Founded in 2012, SCRS is a global organization that unifies the voice of the clinical research site community to create greater site sustainability. Representing over 9,500 sites in 47 countries, SCRS membership provides sites with a community dedicated to advocacy, education, mentorship and connectivity. SCRS is an influential voice for sites and an active partner in industry-wide initiatives and dialogues focused on improving the clinical research enterprise. Our Voice. Our Community. Your Success. Join the community. Visit