SCRS’ Guiding Ethical Principles

Our mission is to foster the sustainability of clinical research sites, for the benefit of sites and other industry stakeholders. While we gratefully accept funds provided by organizations to support SCRS’ mission, our projects and results are transparent and independent of funding sources.

  • All awards and recognition are determined by confidential votes and are not influenced by the donation of funds to SCRS.
  • We undertake research projects only if we believe it will further our mission.
  • We determine the means of executing any research project or study, rather than following the directives of any outside funding source.
  • We publish the outcomes of our research to our members and other interested parties, regardless of whether the outcomes are perceived as favorable to any of our contributors.

SCRS adheres to and expects all SCRS members and their staff to adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism.

Antitrust Compliance

SCRS members are reminded that certain topics are not proper subjects for discussion and consideration at any SCRS meeting, Leadership Council, or community meeting, whether formal or informal. While it is entirely appropriate to meet as a group to discuss common problems and areas of interest, it must be kept in mind that members and attendees at meetings may be competitors and that any action was taken which could eliminate, restrict, or lessen competition among these individuals or organizations is a potential violation of the antitrust laws.

Read the full Antitrust Compliance Policy here.

Conflict of Interest

To ensure that SCRS complies with federal and state law and to guard against liability, SCRS has adopted and implemented a detailed Antitrust Compliance Policy.  Members are reminded and provided with a copy of that Policy at the outset of every SCRS meeting.

Read the full Conflict of Interest Statement here.

SCRS Online Community

By joining and using SCRS’ online community, you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for these peer discussion groups. You also agree to reserve list discussions for messages relating to the online community topic. General questions concerning SCRS should be posed to your appropriate online community.  The email address is dedicated to research staff and the email address is dedicated to investigators, directors, owners, and site managers.

Read the full Online Community Rules here.

Trial Opportunity Platform (TOP℠)

By joining and using SCRS’ Trial Opportunity Platform (TOP℠), you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for the platform. You also agree to abide by all terms set forth in the confidentiality agreement.