A large part of what makes SCRS unique is our relationship with Global Impact Partners (GIPs), which are comprised of some of industry’s top sponsors and CROs. Their commitment to site growth and sustainability is foundational to their partnership and development with SCRS. I’m with SCRS showcases that outstanding commitment by displaying important SCRS initiatives and the GIPs that have joined us in making them possible.
I’m with SCRS allows sites to view each GIPs progression and current level of involvement in important SCRS initiatives by clicking on the projects below. Additionally, GIPs can review their progress toward full-scale implementation of each key initiative listed.
This page is updated on a quarterly basis – check back often to learn about exciting progress in program development and support from our GIPs.
For additional information, please contact Jimmy Bechtel, Senior Project Manager at jimmy.bechtel@myscrs.org