Why a SAG?

The Site Advocacy Group (SAG) is a landmark industry initiative begun by SCRS that facilitates meaningful dialogue between site professionals and industry leaders on a variety of topics. SAGs are convened at the request of a host organization; sponsor, CRO or professional service provider. The work of the SAG enhances clinical research effectiveness and more closely aligns the work of the sites and industry on current or future projects the host is engaged.

SAG members are comprised of SCRS members representing a broad spectrum of site professionals from around the globe. The composition of the SAG is at the request of the host organization; however, SCRS can offer suggestions of which type of site professionals would best meet the needs of their SAG.

SAG topics have included: Patient Recruitment & Retention, Technology, Protocol and Clinical Topics, Operational Processes, and Site and Business Relationships with Sites.

The knowledge gained provides a unique perspective to help ensure the design and rollout of the most useful solutions for all stakeholders is the result.

SAG Reports

At times the host organization may decide to share the findings of a SAG with the public.  Below are reports which have been shared by host organizations resulting from SAGs.

The Voice of the Study Coordinator: Empowering Clinical Trial Sites to Deliver Improved Performance – inVentiv Health

Patient Experience Tools and Questionnaire – Transcelerate

Contact SCRS today to customize your SAG

Get an Inside Look at Lilly's Site Advocacy Group

Interested in Hosting a SAG?

If you are a sponsor, CRO, or professional service provider interested in hosting a SAG and gathering feedback from sites on an industry-relevant topic, please contact:

Sean Soth
+1 214.263.1094

How Can My Site Participate in a SAG?

SAG participation is limited to SCRS members. Member sites interested in participating in a SAG are encouraged to contact SCRS:

Joan McClurg
+1 410.696.5080 ext 125

The SAG Impact

SAG Case Study with Cognizant

See the impact of the collaborative effort to align Cognizant® Shared Investigator Platform (SIP) roadmap to site needs globally.

“SCRS helped launch our first combined Site Advocacy Group and Patient Advisory Council meeting as part of our broader collaboration, bringing together sites, patients and industry colleagues to address COVID-19 challenges. The insights gained, ideas generated, and tools and resources we are developing as a result will help us to better support patients, sites and sponsors as we move clinical research forward today and in the future.”

Sy Pretorius, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical & Scientific Officer, Parexel

“The SAG proved incredibly valuable to uncover the site perspective in clinical technology. A key takeaway for us is that we have the power to change how systems are built to align with the workflow at the site – it just requires a shift in mindset and communication between sites, sponsors, CROs and vendors.”

Amy Ripston, Senior Director, Head of Marketing, 4G Clinical

“SCRS SAG program simplified the process of connecting directly with the customers and users that we serve through our products, services, and platforms. In speaking directly with end-users about their experience using our tools, and as a leader in clinical evidence generation, we’re able to evolve our solutions to better meet their needs and drive unique value.”

Sanjiv Waghmare, Chief Product Officer, Signant Health

“It is simply an honor to have the opportunity to listen to the experience and expertise of sites. Sites are the advocate of patients. Sites conduct clinical trials every single day, to include their expertise in the early stages of protocol development where their input can improve study design and effective approach can only improve the delivery of trials.”

Karen McIntyre, Executive Director, Global Lead Catalyst Program & Site Relationships, Decentralized Solutions, Syneos Health

SAG Hosts