SCRS Best Site Practices (BSPs) and the BSP Evaluation were developed in collaboration with the Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) and TransCelerate BioPharma. The BSPs provide sites with an outline of the critical elements necessary to start and sustain a clinical research site. The BSP Evaluation can be completed to measure site performance against multi-stakeholders’ expectations. Sites will have the opportunity to showcase their BSP results and demonstrate their commitment to execution and quality if they choose to. Results are reported as Emerging, Developing, Developed, and Exemplary and are the sole property of the site.
- Each site may retake the BSP Evaluation after one year, to allow time for changes to be implemented.
- SCRS will never share your BSP score with anyone without your permission. However, it is helpful for us to receive your score so that we can measure and report anonymized details about the overall quality of SCRS sites.
- BSPs are available to SCRS site members only. If you have any questions, please contact Jimmy Bechtelat jimmy.bechtel@myscrs.org.
Please indicate below if you are willing to share your score with us to be anonymously included in data and metrics related to the performance of SCRS sites or clinical research sites in general.
Thank you for completing the best practices survey. Please indicate below if you are willing to share this score with us to be included in data and metrics we may related to the performance of SCRS sites or clinical research sites in general.
YES, please share my score with SCRS
NO, I do not want my score shared with SCRS