Unify the voice of the global clinical research site community for greater site sustainability.


Christine Pierre


Joining SCRS means more than simply becoming a member of an organization of companies with similar interests. SCRS is the first organization fully dedicated to representing the interests of the clinical research site community. SCRS gives sites a voice, a seat at the table, and the ability to participate in discussions and decisions that ultimately impact the clinical research sites and the industry at large. Joining the SCRS community helps give the clinical research site a stronger, more credible voice and shared purpose.

Companies that sponsor or support the work conducted by clinical research sites will benefit from collaborating with SCRS through participation in SCRS’ corporate programs. Their collaboration demonstrates a commitment to building a stronger site partnership, recognizing the importance of the site’s voice, and providing their company with intellectual capital to best position them for success.

SCRS founder Christine Pierre described the founding principle of the organization: “We are all aware that as an industry we currently have an unsustainable model – for all stakeholders. Sites represent the largest number of providers to the industry; therefore, their impact on this process cannot be underestimated. Sites have long been the silent partner in the research enterprise, and SCRS ensures they are no longer passive participants by catalyzing dialogue with industry leaders and working to find solutions through collaboration.”

SCRS’ Guiding Ethical Principles

Our mission is to foster the sustainability of clinical research sites, for the benefit of sites and other industry stakeholders. While we gratefully accept funds provided by organizations to support SCRS’ mission, our projects and results are transparent and independent of funding sources.

  • All awards and recognition are determined by confidential votes and are not influenced by the donation of funds to SCRS.
  • We undertake research projects only if we believe it will further our mission.
  • We determine the means of executing any research project or study, rather than following the directives of any outside funding source.
  • We publish the outcomes of our research to our members and other interested parties, regardless of whether the outcomes are perceived as favorable to any of our contributors.

SCRS is committed to representing SCRS members in the following ways:


SCRS will, on behalf of its site members, publicly comment on issues relevant to the clinical research industry. SCRS will work to maintain a presence in conversations with other groups and organizations to ensure the site’s perspective and voice is present as important decisions and debates are occurring.


Unparalleled knowledge and education facilitated by SCRS provides the foundation for informed action, where industry leaders can analyze their most efficient programs, fresh voices can introduce proven innovations, and established experts can debate different interventions. SCRS and its members provide each other with a constant flow of new solutions and lessons learned.


Recognizing both the importance of SCRS’ emphasis on excellence and the reality that new sites enter the industry each day, site members will offer mentoring to other site members.


SCRS provides a unique opportunity to sites and industry stakeholders to interact with companies and individuals across multiple sectors of the industry. The SCRS community creates an environment that supports meaningful partnerships all year long and not just at meetings.

Throughout this website, you will find valuable information about SCRS and its mission and benefits to your company. To join SCRS, contact us at +1 410.696.5080. We look forward to having your voice included as a member of The Society for Clinical Research Sites.

SCRS History at a Glance

The Society for Clinical Research Sites was founded in 2012 in response to the growing need for an organization to represent the voice of research sites within the clinical research enterprise. Christine Pierre, the founder of SCRS and the Site Solutions Summits, was motivated to provide sites with resources, mentorship, and education opportunities through a member-based organization dedicated to providing sites with both a voice and community.



RxTrials hosts the inaugural Site Solutions Summit in Santa Fe, New Mexico, bringing together site stakeholders to discuss site issues and to identify best site practices in a non-competitive environment. 12 site executives attended.


During the 2nd Annual Site Solutions Summit, The Site Survey is conducted for the first time, providing site analytical information to the research community.


The Site Solutions Summit expands to include sponsors and CROs as attendees.


The sites present the first Site Solutions Summit Eagle Award to GlaxoSmithKline and Quintiles in recognition of their commitment to strong site relationships.


The Site Solutions Summit has 500 attendees.

The establishment of the Society for Clinical Research Sites is announced during the 7th annual Site Solutions Summit. Almost 300 members from 11 countries join SCRS in the first 3 months following the announcement.


Global Impact Partnership and Professional Development Partnership programs are unveiled, providing an opportunity for sponsors, CROs and professional solution providers to participate in leadership conversations with SCRS.


The SCRS Site Advocacy Group (SAG) Program is launched.

SCRS GCP Training is recognized by TransCelerate.


With the success of the Global Site Solutions Summit, the Society for Clinical Research Sites hosts the first Asia-Pac Site Solutions Summit in Australia and the European Site Solutions Summit in France.

The first Site Partnership Symposium is hosted at the Global Site Solutions Summit.


The Ambassador Program is developed to increase the awareness of the benefits of SCRS to the global site community. SCRS Country Ambassadors play pivotal roles in supporting the awareness, promotion and growth of SCRS within the region they represent. Country Ambassadors also keep SCRS informed of local issues that are or could impact sites such as governmental requests for comment, changing trends, and other issues affecting their region.


During a first-of-its-kind SCRS Ambassador Program Symposium held in London, England, National Institute for Health and Research Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) sites join the SCRS member site community.

The SCRS Diversity Program is launched.


The SCRS Oncology Program is launched.

The Site Patient Recruitment Innovation Award (SPRIA) comes to the European and Asia-Pac Site Solutions Summits.


Casey Orvin joins SCRS as Honorary President.

The inaugural Global Oncology Site Solutions Summit is held in Austin, TX.

SCRS partners with ACRP to provide member sites with access to GCP and Human Subject Protection Training.
Virtual/Decentralized Trial Training is added as a member benefit, in partnership with VirTrial.
The SCRS office relocates from Ellicott City to Hanover, MD to accommodate company growth.
A record 1000+ clinical research professionals attend the 2019 Global Site Solutions Summit.
The inaugural Christine K. Pierre Site Impact Award is introduced and awarded at the Global Summit.
The Digital Innovation Initiative is launched.


The SCRS Sites NOW program is launched for virtual networking, presentations and discussion on trending topics
SCRS Talks podcast is created to interview Global Impact Partners on news and trends impacting clinical research
COVID-19 Resource Guide is developed to help sites navigate swift changes happening in the industry due to the pandemic
The SCRS Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT) is released for research sites to improve understanding of the needs of diverse patient populations in clinical trials
Medical Heroes Appreciathon


David Vulcano becomes SCRS Honorary President

SCRS Diversity Awareness Program launches complimentary webinar series for sites


SCRS celebrates 10 years since its official formation

First Diversity Site Solutions Summit is held in Austin, Texas with 350 attendees

DM Clinical Research is the first site network to join the Global Impact Partner program

SCRS issues an open letter to industry partners and site toolkit to address workforce challenges and inflation

A Site Invoiceables Guide is released to help sites identify unfunded study activities and better estimate trial costs

Site Spark Award is unveiled at the European Site Solutions Summit to celebrate clinical research site innovation


Site Payment Initiative is launched to address site payment frequencies, participant tax burdens, and holdback payments

The Digital Innovation Initiative releases a Decentralized Trials Best Practices & Recommendations Guide for sites

Phase 1 Resource Guide for sites interested in conducting oncology trials is issued by SCRS Oncology Program
First SCRS West: Clinical Tech & Innovation Summit is held in Scottsdale, Arizona
Launched Site Excellence in Patient Inclusion Award
Site Workforce Challenges white paper is published
Established Public Policy Committee